Previous Symposia
2023: Black, Brown, and Behind Bars: The Effect of a Color-Blind Carceral System
2022: Crossing State Lines: Interstate Gambling and the Interplay Between Federal and State Laws
2021: Balancing Corporate & Activist Interests: Clean Energy, Wildlife Protection, and Land Use Reform
2020: The Legitimacy, Legality, and Legacy of the 45th President of the United States
2019: Legal Frameworks for a Green New World: Breathing Life Into the Goals of the Green New Deal
2018: Corporations and Climate Change: How Businesses Are Changing the Environmental Landscape
2017: Media Law and Journalism: Protecting Democracy’s Safeguards
2016: Criminal Culpability: Who Deserves Punishment?
2015: Habitat for Human Rights: Environmental Degradation and Human Rights
2014: Recognizing Injustice: From Social Media Movements to Legal Reform
2013: The Disclosure Debates: The Regulatory Power of an Informed Public
Spring 2012: Prison Privatization: Optimizing Our Use of a Privatized Resource
Fall 2012: Conference on Agriculture and Food Systems
Spring 2011: New Perspectives on Capital Punishment
Fall 2011: Constitutional Constraints on State Health Care & Privacy Regulation After Sorell v. IMS Health, Co-Hosted with the University of New Hampshire School of Law Law Review
2010: Corporate Creativity: the Vermont L3C & Other Developments in Social Entrepreneurship
2009: Examining Our Priorities: The Relationship Between National Security and Other Fundamental Values
2008: Climate Change and Future Generations
2007: Good for What Ails You? A Legal, Ethical, and Policy Review of State-Based Healthcare Reforms in New England
2006: Hidden Traps in the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act
2005: Vermont: Judicial Accountability
2004: Changing Tides in Ocean Management
2003: Vermont: Changing the Legal Landscape
2001: Mountain Resorts: Ecology and the Law
2000: The Environmental Effects of War