Manuscript Submissions
The Vermont Law Review continually seeks scholarly articles, essays, book reviews, and commentaries on any subject concerning state, federal, Native American, or international law. The Vermont Law Review encourages academics, practicing attorneys, and policy makers to submit manuscripts for potential publication, and invites students to submit manuscripts for potential publication as student notes.
The Vermont Law Review strives for a rapid review of submitted manuscripts, an on-time publication schedule, and a cooperative editing process. We believe these attributes, combined with a highly dedicated staff, make the Vermont Law Review an excellent journal for publishing your work.
Submission Requirements
Submissions must be previously unpublished, original works. They should consist of double-spaced text with one-inch margins and single-spaced footnotes. Text and citations should conform to A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed., 2015) (“The Bluebook”). Please include your contact information including a mailing address, telephone number, and email address. Mailed submissions cannot be returned and double-sided printing of submissions is preferred, if possible.
For more information, please reference our style guide, The Yellow Book.
Submission Process
Interested authors are strongly encouraged to submit their manuscripts electronically through Scholastica. This ensures timely receipt and review of submitted manuscripts.
The Vermont Law Review Scholastica Page can be found here.
If the author has financial hardship such that submission through Scholastica is not possible, then email submissions may be accepted. Such submissions should be emailed as attachments to
Manuscript Review
Upon submission, each manuscript is assigned to an Articles Editor who conducts a preliminary review of the author’s submission to assess the following: (1) Use of authority; (2) Quality of writing; (3) Novelty of topic; and (4) Citations. If a submission does not pass this preliminary review, then the Journal will decline to offer publication and notify the author. If the submission passes this preliminary review, then the manuscript is reviewed by the Senior Articles Editor, who, with the Editor-In-Chief, will make a final decision on whether to offer to publish an article. Once a final decision is made, the Senior Articles Editor will notify the author of the Journal’s decision.
If you have further questions or would like more information, feel free to contact the Senior Article Editor at
Publishing Policy
Authors retain the right to post their published article, in whole or in part, on the Social Sciences Research Network (SSRN) or another Internet or Intranet site over which the Author has effective control provided that the posted document or text identifies the Author, Vermont Law Review, the volume, the publication year and–as soon as it is available–the number of the first page. Pre-publication postings outside of the scope of this policy are discouraged but can be negotiated on a case-by-case basis.